OLD GOLD AND SILVER wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Money loaned on diamonds, watches, pistols, shot guns, musical instruments and all kinds of personal property. AMERICAN LOAN OFFICE, No. 5 Pirate Alley, I. INAKA, Prop. Tel. NT-780.
DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE. Bayou with a city view? Yes indeed! See what land is for sale on page 7.
BOY WANTED for delivering meat on bicycle. Perrineau & Co., Shotgun Row at Woodget.
UNCLAIMED LETTERS remaining at Station A, New Toulouse, La., Post Office, Monday, September 11. MEN—C. A. Bonneau, Rev. George Claiborne, William Davis, C. H. Hintz, Jr., Dr. J. A. Howe, Dave Jackson, Green Johnson, Albert Poleate, E. G. Reed, O. C. Rogers, William E. Sibleo, Thomas Smith, R. D. Turner. WOMEN—Josephine Green, Ella Lewis, Maria Taylor, Miss I. Wolfson. (Signed) CHARLES JANVIER, Postmaster. JOSEPH W. DANIELS, Superintendent Station A.
AUTO TUBE 5-MINUTE SAFE VULCANIZER repairs any puncture perfectly in 5 minutes. So simple that a child can handle—works with mechanical perfection—chemically heated and mechanically clamped. Over 400,000 in use and gaining in popularity everywhere. Complete with 12 patches only L$1.50. Additional patches 80c per dozen. Agents and dealers invited to write. SOUTHERN GUARANTEE SALES CO. 1106 Camp St., New Toulouse, La.
EXPERTO BARBERIA y especialista en cortes de pelo ofrece sus servicios a to la colonia Latina y tambien a domicilio, Masaje electrico—Agua fria y caliente. De del Telefono NT-445. Expert Barber specializing in all style haircuts—Foreign, American, Scientific massage. SILVANO CHAVEZ, 413 Dauphin St.
FRENCH PERFUMERY MFRS., sell at retail only. Perfumes and Face Powder. Don’t fail to try our Louisiana Magnolia Perfume, very sweet and very lasting. Also our Peau Despogne Face Powder, made of the finest Powder Material and highly perfumed. All perfume 75c oz., all face powder 25c box. ROYAL PERFUME STORE, 221–23 Royal Street.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.