

CEMETERY PLOT, St. Louis Cemetery #3, L$500. Seller has no phone, leave a message under a jam jar (full of jam) at the tomb to dicker.

VELVET ICE CREAM BRICKS—pints 25c, larger ones 35c. Just phone Peter Rupp’s Drug Store. He will deliver promptly. NEW TOULOUSE ICE CREAM CO.


STOREFRONT FOR RENT—#5 Pirate Alley, L$200/wk, 50LI. Contact Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.


ELOCUTION. New Toulouse Elocution teacher is teaching a branch class of her College of Elocution and Oratory at the residence of Capt. and Mrs. Sam. S. McNeely, 319 Opelousas avenue, on every Thursday evening at 4 p. m.

GET READY. Now is the time that your hens will moult or shed their feathers. This process is rather slow and Nature should be assisted. B. A. Thomas’ Poultry Remedy will help your hens to moult causing them to shed earlier and be ready to lay when eggs are highest in the winter. If this remedy does not make good, we will. —W. R. Baker & Son.

WHEN DEMOCRACY GOES TO WAR democracy fights that war and pays for it. That’s what the Liberty bonds are for. Will you buy your bond today?

WHEN THE TIME COMES that you really need a smuggler, will you want to work with a stranger? Establish an important business relationship today, smuggle something just for fun. Use Nocturnal Aviation, we’ve been carrying secret cargoes for over a fiftieth of a century.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.