BUILDING LOT in entertainment district, corner Lion Court & Pontalba, L$1,024. Parcel supports 468 LI at L$600 per week. Questions? Phone Lazaire Bienvenu, NT-333.
HORSE SALE—ABC “pets” with authentic breed characteristics (equine veterinarian verified). Equipment includes saddles (western, side, jockey) and bridles. 100L for most breeds, 500L for special breeds. Horses will be replaced as they sell. See them at the Old Spanish Stable, New Toulouse. Direct any questions to Pazzo Pestana, NT-531.
DOWN ON THE RIVERSIDE. Bayou with a city view? Yes indeed! See what land is for sale on page 7.
BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1918, the Cottage plantation on the Missedabracket river, south of Baton Rouge, containing approximately 1000 acres. In fine condition for rice, cotton and sugar. Apply to or address JAMES J. BAILEY, Baton Rouge, La.
WHETHER YOU REQUIRE a storefront in the city or a little Bayou shack, you may find the ideal rental property by consulting our list on page 7.
COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS needed. Hard work, dangerous conditions, average pay, international travel. Must be able to Break, Rope, Ride, Pole Pirogue and Harpoon. Inquire at Perrineau’s, NT-462.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
ALL PERSONS having bills against the parish are hereby respectfully requested to present same to the Police Jury on Wednesday preceding the regular monthly meeting, otherwise these bills will not be paid until the following meeting of the Police Jury. H. Bodin, Secretary.
PROTECT OUR WETLANDS! The Bayou Safety Initiative of New Toulouse Parish provides the public with information on staying safe in the swamp and works to halt the spread of dangerous invasive species. Come by our office at #8 Rue Bayou, New Toulouse, and find out more.
HARK BACK—ADDICTS—A Neal course of treatment leaves a memory behind pleasanter than your drug dreams. It will be the shining calendar mark from which to date your re-enfranchisement as a FREE WILLED creature; but that’s not all. The few days you need to stay here will be recalled as physically pleasant days. For by the Neal Way the craving is quenched with none of the terrific withdrawal misery that now daunts you. Write for book (sent in plain wrapper) or call for particulars (in confidence). Neal Institute, 815 East 49th street, Chicago. Phone 439 Oakland.
THE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE uses GAS for Cooking or Heating. It is the economical fuel. You can Turn it Off or On as needed. Call and See Our Gas Equipment. NEW TOULOUSE RAILWAY & LIGHT CO.
NOTICE! I keep constantly on hand a full supply of Metallic and Wood Coffins, Trimmed. All sizes, from infant to adult. Up-to-date styles. Also carry Burial Costumes. Prices to suit customer. Can furnish at once. Orders received by wire or otherwise. LEOPOLD ELGUTTER, New Toulouse, Louisiana.
I AM A VEGETARIAN, thirty years of age, tall and good-looking, with cultivated and refined tastes, correct habits in every respect, and good family connections. I reside in one of the most pleasant cities in the South, and have been successful in business. I wish a Vegetarian wife, one with dark eyes and hair, with a love of the beautiful, of music, poetry, painting, and the fine arts; and above all, a love of home, and its duties and pleasures. “CHARLES,” care Tattler.
MARRY IF LONELY—For results, try me. Many wealthy wishing early marriage; very successful, confidential; strictly reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. The Successful club, Mrs. Purdue, Box 550, Oakland, Cal.
NEW TOULOUSE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the New Toulouse Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left it in the streetcars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call NT-795.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.