WANTED—Some one that’s alive to an unusual opportunity and to take advantage thereof. Owing to other business, and for want of room, you have an opportunity to secure far below value one of the finest bred herds of hogs of the famous Berkshire breed. There is no better blood than combined in this herd. Reasonable terms to responsible parties. See or write M. Nielsen, New Toulouse Bayou, La.
LAND FOR SALE. See our list of properties on page 7.
BLUE RIBBON FUDGE. Won first prize at National Live Stock Show. Parcel post 80c per lb. MISS V. E. STUMPF, phone NT-338.
WHETHER YOU REQUIRE a modern city apartment or a dockside shack in Bayou, you may find the ideal rental property in our list on page 7.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
SANITARY NOTICE. The throwing of dead animals and other refuse in the streets and ditches of New Toulouse is prohibited, and persons guilty of doing so will be fined. All householders are urged to help keep the town in a healthful condition by keeping their premises clean and free from rubbish of all descriptions. H. GODENOT, Mayor.
ARE YOU A SLAVE TO YOUR CAR? Stop Riding on Wind. Noblo in your tires is a Guarantee against Punctures, lowouts and Tire Trouble. Lasts for years. Standard Roller and Filler Co., 745 St. Charles St.
WHEN TRAVELING NORTH insist that your ticket be routed via the Kansas City Southern Ry. A pleasant journey is assured thereby. Observation cars through the Ozark Mountains. Unexcelled Pullman service. Special Through Sleepers between Port Arthur and Kansas City, New Toulouse and Shreveport. For information address Wm. Stagg, C. P. & T. A., New Toulouse, La.
YOU NEED NOT be an “ad writer” to use these columns. State your wants simply, and above all truthfully. Or telephone this office and the clerk will write your ad.
IT IS OFT TIMES the unexpected that happens! When unprepared the emergency frequently materializes! We are not Alarmists, only Speakers of the Truth! Do not let the fire alarm sound without a fire insurance in your hands! Mutual Independent Insurance Company, Agricola Fusilier, agt., New Toulouse, La.
MARRY IF LONELY—For results, try me. Many wealthy wishing early marriage; very successful, confidential; strictly reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. The Successful club, Mrs. Purdue, Box 550, Oakland, Cal.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.