

FOR SALE—Beautiful lot on Shotgun Row. Nice quiet neighbors. L$5,000. Sorry, you can’t keep the puppy. Shotgun Row #2, New Toulouse.

FANNED LOUISIANA PEARL SEED RICE, Japan (Tokyo) Seed Rice, Early Prolific Seed Rice. Guaranteed free of red. Price L$5 a barrel, f. o. b. Roanoke. H. A. HOUSSIERE & BROTHER, Jennings, La.

LAND FOR SALE. See our list of properties on page 7.


ROOMS FOR RENT. Enquire of Mrs. Desboulets, NT-888.


TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS—The Police Jury of New Toulouse Parish calls the attention of Automobile Owners that the speed limit of the Parish is on 25 miles per hour. Violators will be dealt with accordingly. (Signed) H. Bodin, Secty.


WHEN TRAVELING NORTH insist that your ticket be routed via the Kansas City Southern Ry. A pleasant journey is assured thereby. Observation cars through the Ozark Mountains. Unexcelled Pullman service. Special Through Sleepers between Port Arthur and Kansas City, New Toulouse and Shreveport. For information address Wm. Stagg, C. P. & T. A., New Toulouse, La.

FOR HAY, STRAW, WOOD (Dry Ash and Oak) for Turpentine Chips, House Moving, call Clyde Davis, phone NT-823.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.