Letter to the editor
Madame Editor,
This letter is to formally endorse Henri Godenot for Mayor.
I’m nobody in particular. But when I heard he was running, more than a few thoughts came to mind: one, that he should be recognized for his business acumen as soon as possible, and two, that the quality of his honesty and integrity should be mentioned.
Having wandered into the city several years ago, this writer chanced upon Monsieur Godenot, who enthusiastically pounced upon that encounter with offers of grand tours and a residential safari, which he made good on that very day. We sailed by air over the river to New Toulouse Algiers, where there was prime real estate to be had. Within four or five hours, a transaction occurred from my wallet to that of a Mr. T. Avro—brokered by H. Godenot—for many thousands of lindens. The land was sound but swampy.
Over the years we have seen H. G. do his part for the community in ways we all appreciate and recall. His becoming mayor was to the benefit of all, certainly. Of course, he’s always been most effective in serving various causes—not many may recall his impersonation of a priest for special occasions and charity events. I’m attaching a photo of just such a time, out in the swamp when he pulled some especially fine effects while offering priestly advice to bayou dowagers and fireflies. Father Godenot’s stump speeches on many a subject are things of legend—perhaps he could truck out this special talent to win the primaries.
Whenever the Mayoral elections actually are, we wish everyone the best in making their decision, for the sake of the community and other things.
Miss R. Beedit