FOR MAYOR—We are authorized to announce H. GODENOT as a candidate for Mayor of the city of New Toulouse, subject to the will of the voters at the city election in April.
FOR MAYOR—We are authorized to announce R. E. MAINS as a candidate for Mayor of the city of New Toulouse, subject to the will of the voters at the city election in April.
FOR MAYOR—We are authorized to announce J. T. MONDIEU as a candidate for Mayor of the city of New Toulouse, subject to the will of the voters at the city election in April.
STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17×23 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt, and practically fireproof. L$1 a hundred at the Tattler office.
FOR SALE—Two Holstein, one Jersey and one Jersey and Holstein mixed. For particulars apply to Ursulines Convent, New Toulouse.
APARTMENT with balcony overlooking Basin Street, in strictly modern courtyard building. Unfurnished, L$180 per week. Phone Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.
WANTED—Office girl who can use telephone. Prefer one with some sales experience, also some knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Phone for appointment NT-754. Ask for Mr. Speelman.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
YOUNG married man with 7 years’ experience in wholesale business, now employed, wishes position with more than “just money;” wants to join forces with some concern offering better future; sober, reliable and best of references and could put some money into a suitable business. Address E-669, New Toulouse Tattler.
TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL? Join the Citizens’ League, and together we can elect a new city government that will work FOR THE PEOPLE. 26 Basin Street, New Toulouse.
NOTICE—I hereby take this means of warning the public in general that I am not responsible for the debts or accounts of any one, except my own personally contracted obligations. MRS. C. E. P. CALHOUN, New Toulouse, La.
MAKE REPAIRS NOW. Lumber is going up. Labor is going to cost more. Good weather prevails and a building boom will soon be here. Don’t wait another day. Phone W. C. TRYON, NT-565.
FLY TIME COMING—Protect yourself against annoyance from these pesky insects, and possible infection with disease, by screening your home or business place. Screen windows, L$1 to L$3; screen doors, L$3 to L$10; including installation. Let me figure with you. You’ll be pleased with my work and the results. MANUEL MESSINA, New Toulouse, phone NT-257, P.O. Box 45.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.