Letter to the editor

Dear Madam

The shipping news and Mr Mondieu’s snappy article make interesting reading, but I feel too much is being made out of this. New Toulouse has weathered many storms and our fine city has escaped largely unscathed. 

Perhaps we could focus on events in the city, such as the half-price drinks at the Green-eyed Fairy, rather than those hundreds of miles away. The storm may yet change direction or blow itself out. Even if the worst were to happen, I have full confidence that the levees will hold the water back. I am concerned to note that some citizens are piling up sandbags and feel that publications such as yours should quell, rather than incite, panic.

There will be no sandbags at the Green-eyed Fairy, situated snugly behind the levee in Rue du Bayou. Instead a warm welcome awaits. Drinks are half price during the inclement weather.

Yours, etc

Francesca Alva.