Shipping News
Radio reports indicate that New Toulouse’s own Calamares, inbound from Guatemala with a cargo of coffee, bananas, and citrus, is leaking and in danger of sinking after encountering a storm in the Gulf of Mexico. Newly built by Workman, Clark and Co., of Belfast, and under the command of our very own Alcide LeBlanc, the Calamares is one of the newest, best-equipped refrigerator ships in the world. Captain LeBlanc’s parents are vacationing in the north and could not be located for comment.
The Tattler has compiled the following reports related to this treacherous storm:
- Oct. 2: Reefer Limon reports a tropical storm 100 nautical miles north of Grenada, wind speed estimated at 35 knots.
- Oct. 3: Weather station Kingstown reports a severe storm passing west of St. Vincent Island, wind estimated at 50 knots.
- Oct. 4: Steamer Argentine reports a tropical storm 240 miles north of Caracas, Venezuela.
- Oct. 5: Weather station Port-au-Prince reports a hurricane passing directly south, at some distance, moving northwest. Landfall on US Gulf Coast expected October 10 or 11.
- Oct. 6: Weather station Kingston (Jamaica) reports a major hurricane passing directly south, track estimated to be northwest, range estimated at 150 miles, winds in excess of 100 knots.
- Oct. 7: Weather station Havana reports a major hurricane passing 200 nautical miles west, storm track is north-northwest, landfall is expected between Galveston and Mobile on October 11.
- Oct. 8: Measured winds indicate that the storm is 300 nautical miles south of New Toulouse, landfall expected on Louisiana coast in 48–72 hours.
- Oct. 8: Reefer Venus, position unknown, reports heavy seas and hurricane-force winds.
- Oct. 8: Steamer Calamares reports storm damage, taking on water, sinking imminent, 100 miles southwest of New Toulouse. Cargo of coffee and bananas flooded, running north before storm to attempt grounding before swelling cargo ruptures hull.