WANTED TO BUY—Carbine rifle of standard make—30-30, 32 special or 32-40. Give particulars. Must be cheap. N-9, Tattler.
“BILLY” SUNDAY’S message. Authorized. Great opportunity for man or woman. We will pay you L$130 to distribute it and take orders. 60 days’ work; spare time may be used. Universal Bible House, 101 Winston Bldg., Philadelphia.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
WANTED—Old gentleman to pick potatoes. A. Hock, NT-119.
BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR PECANS, get in touch with F. O. Broussard, Lafayette, La. He has secured the Best Market for pecans in Louisiana. For Prices, Samples required. Guaranteed Top Price. We buy Direct for the Sheller. For further information, write to P. O. Box 211.
WEALTHY California ranchman, 46, would marry. Confidential. N-Box 35, League, Toledo, Ohio.
MATRIMONIAL—Lonely young widow, worth L$48,000, tired living alone. A-76, Mission Unity, San Francisco, Cal.
DOCTOR AVALON wishes to note that there will be no Toga Party tonight, but that they will resume next month. However, on September 28, 6-8 slt, there WILL be a party at the Toulouse Caboose, with DJ Erica Fairywren. The Toga parties will resume in October. Thank you!
ALL PERSONS having bills against the parish are hereby respectfully requested to present same to the Police Jury on Wednesday preceding the regular monthly meeting, otherwise these bills will not be paid until the following meeting of the Police Jury. H. Bodin, Secretary.
I HAVE a snap in way of piano player, 50 rolls of first-class music and cabinet; walnut finish; fit any piano. Swap for some good chickens or cook stove, or what have you? Address SC-230, Tattler.
MOTORCYCLE—Harley Davidson motorcycle, two-speed, twin cylinder; good as new and looks like new; 1914 model. Will exchange for Ford runabout or other light roadster in first-class condition. Address SC-220, Tattler.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.