

FASHION TRUNK SALE—Look What the Cat Dragged in will be carrying limited sizes & quantities of lingerie, dresses and other wearables. Come early and often for the best selection of quality couture at thrift shop prices.

FOR SALE—Two three-year-old ponies. See Ed. Brunet, at the Green-Eyed Fairy saloon.


WANTED—A good bass or baritone. Must be respectable. Call after 6 P.M., NT-565, and ask for Smith.

THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.

GENTLEMAN or lady to travel and appoint representatives. Expenses, salary and commission. For interview, address S-854, Tattler.


MAN wants position as cook or baker; all round man. Phone NT-942.

MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housekeeping with respectable, refined people or take charge of rooming house, or as companion for lady; experienced in both. Address M-852, Tattler.


[rented] ROOMS ON BASIN STREET for rent. Phone Desboulets, NT-888.


LOVELY YOUNG SUFFRAGETTES are waiting for your call. Discuss politics and pantaloons for only L$5 per minute. Phone NT-355 now!

IF YOU DON’T FIND WHAT YOU WANT on this page, advertise for it. Don’t delay—run that little ad today. Phone NT-668.


TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS—The Police Jury of New Toulouse Parish calls the attention of Automobile Owners that the speed limit of the Parish is on 25 miles per hour. Violators will be dealt with accordingly. (Signed) H. Bodin, Secty.

DOCTOR AVALON would like to remind people of tonight’s Bacchanal/Toga Party at the Roman Spa. As usual, Dj Dr. Maddox S. Sinclair will spin tunes, and the revelers might do some spinning afterword. Togas will be provided and encouraged. However, please leave shotguns at home. We do not want a revel to become a gladiator fight.

A REWARD of L$25 will be paid by the undersigned for any information that will lead to the conviction of any person or persons discovered destroying any of his property. CHAS. K. OLSEN.


AUTO—Model 63, 1912 Stanley steamer, 4 passenger, 10 h. p., new copper tube boiler; will trade for gas car. Address SC-1284, Tattler.

ICEBOX—Used short time; good condition. Will swap for chickens value to L$10 or any thing else. Address SC-1266, Tattler.

MAIL ORDER BUSINESS—Old established business in city. This will invoice about L$5,000, and is doing a good business the year round. A splendid proposition for anyone. Does not require experience. Was managed by a lady for 10 years. Very light running expense. Must make a change at once, so will exchange for clear land or residence property of equal value. Investigate this is you want a paying proposition. Address SC-1271, Tattler.

SADDLE, steamer trunk, mandolin and 4×5 plate camera. Would like post card size film kodak or what? Address SC-1279, Tattler.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.