CITY LAND WANTED—Will pay fair price for 1024m or two adjacent 512m parcels in New Toulouse. Contact Sidewinder, NT-833.
ONE good sound mule; 1050 lbs.; will make good anywhere. Inquire Courtenev & Co.
TWO PLOTS in St. Louis Cemetery with green view and river view for sale. L$1795 for both or L$990 each, no. 33 and no. 34. Veliz, NT-667.
WHIPPOORWILL PEAS for sale. Frank H. Reid, Rosedale Farm.
ATTENTION—Butter 4c a pound; wonderful patent machine which merges one pint of milk into one pound of butter (making two pounds) in two minutes; 150 per cent to agents. Write for information. Family Butter Merger Co., Washington, D.C.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
YOUNG MAN wishes position as chauffeur with private family, or would run on percentage basis for jitney bus; can furnish good references. Address A-584, Tattler.
COMPANIONSHIP to refined lady in exchange for board in respectable family. Address B-585, Tattler.
NOTICE—The undersigned will be pleased to receive the name and address of anyone who was on the ferry boat Thomas Pickles, crossing the Missedabracket River, on the afternoon of August 26th, 1913, when Messrs. Joseph Hingle and Pat H. Lyons were arrested by the New Toulouse police on the arrival of the ferry boat at the Bayou landing, it being the desire of the undersigned to secure witnesses of this occurrence. John Dymond, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Toulouse, La.
OUR LADY OF MERCY is pleased our spa is now open! Let our hot spring baths wash your cares away. Enjoy unique libations, and massages. Take the elevator to the “roman Spa” level. Watch for the “Toga Party” soon to be announced. Doctor Avalon.
EATING MEAT builds up your muscle, a juicy steak will make you hustle. With muscle and hustle, THE WORLD IS YOURS. Try Perrineau’s lake cow steak tonight.
NEW TOULOUSE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the New Toulouse Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left it in the streetcars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call NT-795.
ROAD CANDY OUTFIT, hamburger counter, knife spindle and knives, large chuck cloth, violin, five match-vending machine, two new pump guns, leg of mutton leather case, buttercup cutter, two auto side lamps, one H. & R. break open, .32 revolvers, large Ever-ready flashlight; will swap. Address SC-1202, Tattler.
PHONOGRAPH—To trade, a 2 min. Edison Phonograph with 36 records; for tools, or what have you? Address SC-1125, Tattler.
PAINTING—First class painter will do inside or outside painting. Will take in exchange tailor made clothes, groceries, diamond, horse, buggy, cow or submit what you have to exchange. Will give satisfactory reference. Address SC-1121, Tattler.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.