BOARD with refined lady in exchange for companionship by young lady, employed; best of references furnished. Address S-104, Tattler.
GENTLEMAN, 44, good position, would like to meet honest working girl or young widow; object matrimony. Address C-11, Tattler.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
SEED RICE, from Imported Honduras seed, first year in new lands. Also hand-made cypress shingles. Address W. BECNEL & Co., St. Gabriel P. O., La.
1913 VELIE, 4-cylinder, 5-pass., 54-h. p., Gray & Davis elec. light and starter, left side drive; very complete equipment; good condition; cost L$2,000 new; pay to investigate; private owner wants larger car. Price L$850 cash. Call NT-459 and arrange demonstration.
MUST SELL on account of auto trucks; 1 team brown mares, 6-year-old, 3,000 lbs., 1 team black mares, 5-year, weight 2,700; 1 team gray and bay, 7-year-old; 1 team, mare and horse, 2,800. All mares in foal. Ten days’ free trial. Call at Bottle Beer Dept., 55 Prytania.
SPRING IS HERE. Have your old plumes and feathers dyed, cleaned or made over for your new spring hat and save one-half the cost of your hat. Pom-poms, Fancy Stickups and all kinds of feather novelties made from your old plumes or willow-plumes, very reasonable. Straw Hats cleaned and dyed. Dora Eisele, 99-B Ursulines, phone NT-671.
ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN YOUR OWN HOMES—Burns common Kerosene Oil, with or without mantle. 10 times more light. 16 hours on 1 quart oil. Positively as stated or money refunded. Exclusive territory to agents. Write at once. American Light Co., Birmingham, Ala., Dept. K.
FITS—I cured my daughter by simple discovery; particulars free. Z. Lepso, 150 Island Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.
COLLECTIONS—All collections entrusted to me will be executed with care, diligence and promptitude. M. Charpentier, New Toulouse, La.
NEW TOULOUSE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the New Toulouse Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left it in the streetcars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call NT-795.
BONE CUTTER—Green bone makes chickens lay. One Humphrey green bone cutter, cash L$90, will take for chickens or anything I can use up to L$50 value. Address SC-711, care Tattler.
ENGRAVING—Beautiful steel engraving, VERY rare because only 5 copies known to be in existence, title of picture is “The Trial of Archbishop Laud Before the House of Lords in 1643.” I will trade this very rare steel engraving for anything that I might be able to use. What have you to offer? Address SC-694, care Tattler.
MANDOLIN and Banjo for diamond ring. SC-701, Tattler.
PAINT, ETC.—What have you to exchange for barrel of Sherwin & Williams’ paint, color light brown? I also have first-class upright piano. Also some farm implements. Address SC-689, Tattler.
REVOLVER—44 Smith & Wesson, 6-shot, a good gun, best repair, cost L$78. Make offer. What have you? Shotgun, typewriter or jewelry. Write SC-703, Tattler.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.