

WANTED—Several young men who are willing to devote their spare time to the study of law; splendid career open to the right men. Address Box 25, New Toulouse, La.


WANTED—1,000 men to eat fried fish and taters, L$1. Crawdy’s, French Market #3.

HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


BICYCLE for sale. Tel. NT-966.

FOUR pairs fancy ring-neck pheasants and extra male birds; also some Rhode Island Red cockerels. NT-459.


RATS! RATS! If troubled with them, phone for our ferrets. Barclay and Leatherland, NT-565.

MEN—Our illustrated catalogue explains how we teach the barber trade in short term, mailed free. Write Moler College, St. Louis, Mo.

LADIES—Our illustrated catalogue explains how we teach hairdressing in few weeks, mailed free. Write Moler College, 810 North Sixth, St. Louis, Mo.


THE NEW TOULOUSE ARTIST RESIDENCY (NTAR) will be having its grand opening, a jovial garden party, at 2pm SLT on 21st February. All are welcome to attend. Artists are encouraged to offer their work for auction in hopes of a spectacular windfall or even a new patron. Singers and dancers would be welcome to showcase their talents as well. Contact Fern Barker at NT-137 or drop a note in the front door letterbox at #23 Rossignol.


LOST—Back comb, cluster of grapes set with brilliants. Finder please return to Tattler.


BANJO and mandolin, extra grade, for concert; want to trade for diamond worth L$800. SC 632, Tattler.

INDIAN CURIOS—Rare collection about one hundred pieces of rare specimens of beadwork, etc., for lot, acreage, auto, diamonds, or what have you to offer? Address SC 607, care New Toulouse Tattler.

PIANO as first payment on an old run-down house and lot, must be cheap and well located. I will pay the balance monthly. I am a carpenter and can fix up the place myself. Address SC 610, Tattler.

TYPEWRITER, ETC.—What have you for typewriter and .45 caliber rifle? Address SC 681, Tattler.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.