

GENTLEMAN looking and willing to pay above market price for a for a 512 sqm or preferably 1024 sqm lot to call home in New Toulouse. Please contact Josef Juliesse, NT-530.

CLOTHE THE NEEDY—Ascension House, a refuge for the down-and-out, seeks clothing donations. Call Yvonne Follet at NT-321 to arrange for pickup.


HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


LISTEN—A special line of L$30 and L$35 horse collars, all sizes, cash sale, L$20. E. W. Sampson, harness man, New Toulouse.


LADIES TOO STOUT for fashion’s latest decree should take up the scientific “Irene System” of reduction introduced by MRS. LANE. 77 rue du Rossignol, New Toulouse.

FOR HIRE—Carnival costumes, masks and dominos to hire. Rates most reasonable in the city. Mrs. Wid Jos. Alabau, 319 Bourbon.

IF YOU ARE THINKING of buying a talking machine, don’t fail to hear the new Edison diamond disk phonograph. The new Edison cannot be surpassed in tone qualities. We also have a full line of Victrolas and records. G. W. Lawrence, 35 Bayou street.

BROTHER—ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED root; will cure both tobacco habit and indigestion; gladly send particulars. E. B. Stokes, Mohawk, Florida.

FOR HIRE—MASQUERADE COSTUMES, dominoes mask, wigs, beards; country orders promptly filled. Apply Snell 241 Bourbon St., phone NT-257.


LOST OR STRAYED—Two black and white speckled or ticked setter pups about eight months old. One male and one female answer to names of Don and Bettie. Suitable reward will be paid for the return of them or information as to their whereabouts. W. J. Stebbins, New Toulouse, La.

LOST—Umbrella with name and address attached; supposed to have been taken from lobby of Cinema Diabolik Saturday night. Return to W. T. Parker, #23 Ursulines.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.