DUCKS, all kinds. NT-207.
WANTED—To know the whereabouts of J. S. Woods, who left New Toulouse about 10 days ago. R. J. Nesbit, NT-534.
FIVE MEN, must be neat and able to talk to a lady in a gentlemanly way, as this article sells on mere sight. A positive necessity and time saver. Never before shown. Can have exclusive territory. Not sold in stores yet. See me at 6:15 p.m., Tattler office, tonight. Ask for Abrams.
WANTED—Elderly, respectable lady who has no home, as companion. No wages but a good home. Address O-7, Tattler.
HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
WANTED—By a middle-aged American, work of any kind. Will work for room and board and small wages. Will do any kind of work. What have you got? U-12, Tattler.
WANTED—Work by experienced stenographer, competent, reliable, best of references. Miss Shepherd, NT-671.
MAN and wife want a place on a farm. Man can milk and do farm work, and wife to do the cooking. We are experienced and can do the work. I-5, Tattler.
BAYOU TREEHOUSE for rent. No need to worry about zombies or gators, except the dreaded flying gator, which of course does not even exist. Apply at La Vie Bayou #2.
COMPLETELY SAFE Bayou property for sale at a great price. Actually on the beaten track. Just north of the train station. Great place for rice, crawfishing, or frogging. Bayou #12 or phone De Lis, NT-518.
DOES your piano need tuning? Phone order to NT-942 before 6 p.m.
IF YOU DON’T FIND WHAT YOU WANT on this page, advertise for it. Don’t delay—run that little ad today. Phone NT-668.
WATER HYACINTH choking your waterway? Let Perrineau’s lake cows clear away your problem. NT-462.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.