GHOST HUNTERS—Help identify our local ghosts and catalogue their stories. Rewards offered. Stop by the New Toulouse land office to pick up your hunter’s kit. Project ends Nov. 22.
WANTED—Public to buy unredeemed overcoats and raincoats at very reasonable prices at Bob’s Loan Office, #32 Woodget.
BARBACK NEEDED. Paid in beer. Must have a head. Apply in person at the Severed Head, French Market #1. Bring references (or beer).
MIDDLE-AGED man wishes a young widow for housekeeper. Small wages but good home. Address K-5, Tattler.
HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
ABLE-BODIED young man must have work at once. Can make good any place. Does not use liquor or tobacco. NT-953.
A YOUNG MAN and wife want a position; wife experienced in general housework, fond of children; man experienced in chores around house; wages no object; private family or apartment house; city references. R-11, Tattler.
NEW TOULOUSE chimney sweeps; leave orders with A. Gehri & co., builders and hardware, NT-912.
[rented] BAYOU HOME for rent to responsible tenant with gun. Apply at La Vie Bayou #1.
COMPLETELY SAFE Bayou property for sale at a great price. Actually on the beaten track. Just north of the train station. Great place for rice, crawfishing, or frogging. Bayou #12 or phone De Lis, NT-518.
SHOTGUN ROW #4 to be sold this week. Interested parties should contact Kristine Jinx-Kristan, NT-723.
FISH OIL, by the bale, gallon or ton. It’ll make your pigs glow, or your roses show. Chouest’s Pogy boat will dock in New Toulouse on the tenth.
OLD TOWN GENERAL STORE has new shipment of Moxie Cola for the taking. “It’s always a pleasure to serve Moxie.”
GET YOUR GEESE for Thanksgiving live, L$15 apiece. #9 Pontalba.
THE STILL HOUSE is offering free lunch. Gumbo, lake cow kabobs, and cornbread. Proprietor continues to seek dancing saloon girls. Contact owner for private audition at Gloryville Manor, NT-129.
FLEMISH and Belgian Giant rabbits, young stock, does with young, exchange for chickens. #33 Royal St.
PHYSICIAN, 52, comfortably situated, would marry. E-Box 35, Toledo League, Toledo, Ohio.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.