

WANTED—To purchase fifty barrels of pecans. Send sample and price f. o. b. New Toulouse, to New Toulouse Development Company, #5 Pirate Alley.

GHOSTS WANTED. Is your building haunted? Tell us its story and become part of the Haunted New Toulouse ghost tour. Space is limited, so don’t delay! Phone NT-667.

SERVICES of registered white male French toy poodle wanted. Phone NT-119.


HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


(rented) STOREFRONT TO LET. Convenient to streetcar line. #2 Red Drum Place, Basin Street.

(rented) TREEHOUSE FOR RENT. Inquire at La Vie Bayou #2.

(rented) MODERN AND SANITARY unfurnished room to let. Hot water and electricity available. Red Drum Place, Basin Street, New Toulouse.


WOOD FOR SALE. If you want good stove wood, fat pine or oak wood, ring up J. Marvin Cooper, phone NT-928.

CEMETERY PLOT available. St. Louis Cemetery, New Toulouse.


RENECKY IS SATISFIED with a less profit. Buy your shoes from him.

THE FACE OF THE SUN would be wreathed in smiles instead of that deadly glare if old Sol could get a taste of the best ice cream in the world. Which is Custard. Be glad you live here where such a rarely refreshing, wholesome, satisfying dainty can be obtained so easily. Prove your appreciation by ordering some today. Phone NT-633, Odenwald & Gros.


NOTICE—WIll the chap that borrowed my mackintosh coat from the land office a few days ago please return it for fear we might think he intended to steal it? J. J. Johnson.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.