

HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


STENOGRAPHER—Young man. Dislikes to work but in need of money. Want a job with very little or no work and a big salary. Write Tattler A-3.


LARGE PARCEL OF LAND on the old bayou road, directly across from the train depot. Excellent visibility; would be ideal for a business. Inquire at Bayou #12 or telephone NT-565.

YOU COULD BE DEAD for a long time, so selecting the right address is of grave consequence. Why not choose burial plot #1 at the St. Louis Cemetery?

CEMETERY PLOTS—peace of mind free with every purchase. St. Louis Cemetery, New Toulouse.

KANSAS ALFALFA FARMS—We have them of most any size; also grain farms and stock ranches; Lyon county is in the lead; crops were never better. Write us. Morley & Staats, Emporia, Kan.


ENJOY OUTDOOR GAMES without fear of freckles or sunburn. If your face should get tanned or freckled use Wilson’s Freckle Cream as “first aid to an injured complexion.” This Toilet Cream Is Guaranteed to Remove Freckles, Pimples, Sunburn, Moth or Tan without the slightest chance of injury. The woman who cares for her beauty uses it. Sold at all drug stores.

TIRED! Are you tired? run down? nervous? Is everything you do an effort? No! It is not laziness. You are ill. Your system needs a tonic. Your Stomach, Kidneys and Liver need stirring up. Nothing will do this better than Electric Bitters. L$1 at all druggists.


LOST—Beloved pet crawfish, answers to the name of Jimbo. Last seen by the city docks, when I took him for his backwards walk. Contact Gigi Lapin, NT-777.

LOST—Chain off of truck in southeast New Toulouse. Please notify E. Varnish, Crawdy’s.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.