Police Blotter
Peeping Jenny
A mysterious woman has stricken terror in two households in New Toulouse by suddenly appearing at the window and fixing each person with a piercing gaze before gliding away slowly. “Peeping Jenny” has snow-white hair and a pale, drawn countenance, and she is believed to be a maniac. Women and children of the neighborhood she infests are keeping close indoors after nightfall and the men admit that they are not feeling any too cheerful over her visits.
Quagmire Canoodling
A man and woman necking on the romantic west bayou ferry dock were advised by locals to sit on another portion of the dock, as the part they were on is notorious for splinters.
Unreal Reptile
On Monday a Triceratops definitely did not arrive in town by riverboat, get hit by a streetcar, or take a ferry across the river, because the herbivorous dinosaur became extinct 66 million years ago.