

WANTED—THIRTY SLED DOGS for cold voyage. Specifications: Malamute type, males 80 pounds, females 70 pounds. To have no trace of St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Dane or other breeds. Maximum price L$500, provided they can be delivered at New Toulouse dock in time for mid-October sailing. Please advise if there is a possibility of purchasing these dogs in your locality.

WANTED—FOUR STRONG YOUNG MEN, possibly brothers of good family, to assist me in guiding European royalty on Wyoming bear, moose, sheep hunt. Hard work, low pay, rub shoulders with royalty for 3 weeks. Contact Cody, Box 23, Cheyenne, Wyo. Send references.

WANTED—A PLAIN WOMAN to help dress semi-invalid three mornings a week for L$1 each morning. Phone NT-119.

HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


CEMETERY PLOTS—peace of mind free with every purchase. St. Louis Cemetery, New Toulouse.


THIS AD CANNOT BE VIEWED, as it is classified. —S. H.

YOUR BOY AND GIRL should be given the best training to prepare them for success in business. Personal Instruction, Free Employment Department, Complete College Bank, College Store and Wholesale Offices. No misrepresentations to secure students. Through the success of its 22,000 former students, Soule College is recognized everywhere as a Wide Awake, Practical, Popular and Successful School.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact Nikita Weymann to place an ad.