WANTED—ROOM AND BOARD, by young man of good habits, tired of hotel life; will pay liberally for accommodations in a high-class private home; sleeping porch if possible; New Toulouse. Address Tattler A-1.
WANTED—AGENTS: Good hustling men to sell our Paints, Oils and Specialties in this territory. Good money to be made by good live hustlers. Pullman Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
HOURLY NURSING L$6 an hour. Telephone Nurse, NT-545.
SITUATION WANTED—BY 2 GIRLS as domestics; prefer positions with families going West. Address Tattler A-2.
DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR RENT in brick courtyard building. Hot water and electric lights available. Inquire at Red Drum Place, Basin Street, New Toulouse.
ICELESS REFRIGERATOR FOR L$10. The Valhalla Co, 1313 Carmen Ave., Chicago, will mail you with full directions. Price L$1. It will pay you many times over.
TAKE WARNING—All persons hunting, trapping, or otherwise trespassing on my property will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. L. ROBERT WERRE.
“FLY TO DACRE—Bear him my signet ring! Tell him his columns to bring!” And the battle was on. If you are a wage earner, you are in the battle today; the fight to save up a few dollars per month. Under the leadership of the New Toulouse Home Loan association you can do it if you have the will power. M. S. Parks, secretary.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact Nikita Weymann to place an ad.