

WANTED—Cracklin pot and stirrer, 200 gallons or larger. See Lafitte in the Bayou.

WANTED—A position as tank-man in a sugar house for coming grinding season. Address: Jefferson Lapez, Killona P. O., La.


ONION SEEDS—For Red Creole Onion Seeds write to A. J. Schexnayder, Edgard P. O., La.

MACHINERY FOR SALE! One forty horse power boiler. One sixty horse power boiler. Two Heald and Scisco 12×10 pumps. Three Nagle engines, 10×12. All as good as new. Apply to Caire and Graugnard, NT-529.


NOTICE—The Police Jury will accept bids for the erection of a shed of the same dimensions and material as the shed in the Court-House yard. Bids to be mailed to the secretary of the Police Jury at New Toulouse, La., not later than the 15th day of August. (Signed) H. Bodin, Secretary.


I WANT YOUR TRADE and will be pleased to give you prices and estimates on all work in my line. Repairs and painting of vehicles a specialty, as well as the manufacture of Ice Chests. P. Barre, blacksmith and wheelwright.

MOTOR CARS on the Texas and Pacific railway now furnish direct connection to Mineral Wells, Texas’ greatest vacation and health resort. Excursion rates daily. See T. & P. Ry. Agent.

DR. BLACK’S EYE WATER contains no poison, is painless and harmless, and guaranteed to cure sore eyes in people, horses and dogs. A bottle will be sent by mail on receipt of price, L$60. Address: J. R. Black Medicine Co., Manufacturers, Kennett, Mo. For sale by all druggists.

MONEY IN IDEAS—Bell, Howe, Singer, and other millionaire inventors began life as poor boys. Fortunes await other inventors. Can YOU think of something to patent? America’s greatest inventor tells HOW TO INVENT in a booklet sent to you free by COPP & CO., Patent Attorneys, 745 8th St., Washington, D. C. Be sure to name this newspaper in your letter.


LOST—A linen lap robe, going to or returning from Our Lady of Bourbon Street church. Please return to Henry Granier, New Toulouse.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact Nikita Weymann to place an ad.