

Bones wanted. Species unimportant. Need not be clean. – Paul, NT-836.

Martian spleens, lightly used. NT-964.
Willing to pay for information that leads to the capture of the infamous “Tunnel Man.”  Discretion preferred, as this will likely lead to torch lit mob, vigilante justice, and free beer (probably in that order). Please contact Doctor Avalon, NT-290.


The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
Our Lady of Mercy Charity Hospital is looking for staff, be they Nurses, Doctors, Ambulance Pilots, or other hospital personnel. Contact Doctor Avalon, NT-290.


My bunnies gone missing. Perhaps OD:ed on Ether from Nikis Bunny. If found pls return them to me. Liza, NT-667.
LOST: A L$100 bill belonging to Mr. P. DeCuir, somewhere in the vicinity of the French Market. The finder may claim a reward by bringing it to the Tattler office.


Jack! Pls swop them aldies in their heads or I come do it! I read insult against you everywhere. Whats going on!!?? /V

Send your classified ad to the Tattler, in care of Nikita Weymann.