Letter to the editor
From the desk of Lorsagne de Sade
Gentlemen and Gentlewomen of the Press,
Has this Tunnel Man no shame? First young women disappear, and now a scientist of great skill and electrifying personality suffers to have her new hospital attacked and very nearly destroyed?
While the Mayor continues to claim that neither Kracens nor Tunnel Man exist, many of us know otherwise. Soon, I fear tourists will hesitate to visit. And what of those brave citizens of New Toulouse who still go about their daily business and social intercourse in the many fine establishments that cater to a crowd that favors every kind of spirit. Has the Mayor no concern for their safety?
As I write this, a chill comes upon me. I have a foreboding that another young woman will be taken while the Mayor dithers. I have expressed my concerns to him and pray he gives them his immediate attention.
You may wish to keep a copy of a letter on file for possible use during the next election, in the spirit of good Louisiana government and transparency.